ril's Diaryland Diary


Journals and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Journals and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

You know, I still haven�t gotten a handle on this �hangin�-it-out-there-online� thing� If you write something that you�re pretty sure you meant at the time you wrote it� only to discover later that the only reason you felt that way was because you were out of your friggin� mind (whether chemically induced or not)� does it still count?

Isn�t the whole purpose of a journal (besides satisfying some inborn exhibitionist need) to be a chronicle of our thoughts about and feelings toward the stimuli in our lives� so that, with perspective, we might learn to recognize those things about ourselves that we�d like to change � and, hopefully, go on to do something about it?

(I am speaking of course for the purpose of _my_ journal� The purpose of _your_ journals are to satisfy my newly-discovered voyeurism tendencies and to provide me with much humor and mirth when I should be working, reading, sleeping, etc.).

Anyway� when you do finally sober up and discover that you�ve written something you really (really) wish you hadn�t, are you better off chalking the whole thing up as a "growth" experience and leaving it out there for the world to see� or is it perfectly okay to delete the damned thing and hope that as few people as possible saw you trip?

A diary dilemma� well, not really, because I already deleted the damned thing�


4 days �til Christmas� how in the world did that happen? I�m only buying 2 presents this year, and haven�t yet bought either one of them� (hey, if the minimum standard weren�t good enough it wouldn�t be the minimum standard now would it?)�

- 2001-12-21


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